About Chameleons
People, who do a PhD go on to work in academia, right?
Watch the video to find out more...
EU Funded Research
Ten years from now, jobs will be more knowledge and skills-intensive than ever before. Currently, only 15% of all doctoral graduates stay in academia with the remaining 85% seeking employment outside the academic setting, for example in industry and government. Current doctoral curricula do not foster big thinkers and creative problem-solvers, graduate attributes that society needs.
To date, there is a lack of research in the area of interdisciplinary, inter-sectoral doctoral education and the question remains: how do we best design these programmes to ensure that the PhD students’ develop into big thinkers?
The overall aim of CHAMELEONS is to develop a range of interdisciplinary, inter-sectoral and international modules that are designed to broaden the skills of PhD graduates and improve their employability in academic and non-academic environments including career planning skills, boundary-spanning communication skills, extended networks, and advanced research skills.
CHAMELEONS is a two-year research project that started on the
1st March 2020.

Work Packages and Timeline
In the European funded research projects the overall work is normally divided between Work Packages (WPs) that each focus on different research question and / or topic, and are lead by different partners.
The CHAMELEONS work plan consists of a series of carefully planned WPs that build on one another to ensure the co-design, development, and delivery of a programme of interdisciplinary, intersectoral, and international PhD modules that will supplement existing PhD training in consortium partners to prepare students for multiple career paths and ensure Europe's ability to innovatively tackle big societal challenges, starting with healthcare.
The WP1 Determining the Gap is lead by Maynooth University with the main tasks to undertake needs and gap analyses, surveys and interviews.
The WP2 Design is lead by University of Oulu with the focus on developing a State of the Art Tool Kit based upon the results of the needs assessment and interviews in WP1, and to Co-Design a series of student-centred modules to address the gaps identified in WP1.
The WP3 Deliver is lead by University of Porto with the main tasks of recruiting PhD students, Post-Doctoral Fellows or research assistants to join CHAMELEONS, to deliver Courses / Modules from WP1 and Co-Designed Modules from WP2, and to establish career mentoring panels.
The WP4 Evaluate & Recommend is lead by University College Dublin and its tasks are to gain student evaluation of Identified and Co-Designed Modules, and to track impact, employers and participants along their career pathway.
The WP5 Dissemination lead by Salumedia Labs runs throughout the CHAMELEONS project with each WP delivering outputs and allowing for maximum exploitation of results.