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Module 3: Starting your Career: Future Proofing your Career and Getting a Job.

This module aims at empowering the PhD student in the end phase of the PhD, and in their transition to the next career phase. The module’s overall goals remain along the same axes, as described below. However, the specific learning goals are adapted to the end-of-PhD phase.


We aim that this module will take place face to face in Barcelona, during the week of 21-25 February, and will be a combination of lectures, small group workshops, collaborative projects, and practice experience. This diversity of learning methods will enrich the learning experience.


Pre-module preparatory work will be assigned to students.


Module Goals

  1. Develop networking and communication skills.

  2. Understand ethical user-centered research design.

  3. Marketing research capacity and research skills.

  4. Building an understanding of yourself and others.


Module 3: Contributors

  • Dr. Denise McGrath

  • Dr. Maria Quinlan

  • Tiago Gama Rocha PhD LinkedIn

  • Manolis Chatzigiannis LinkedIn

  • Mrs. Aikaterini Papakota, Psychologist – Career Counselor (Msc – Pgdip)

  • Catarina Seabra PhD

  • LinkedIn
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©2022 by Chameleons project. All rights reserved.


This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 873105

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